Top 10k strings from Fun to Learn - English Literature 1 (1982)(Sinclair Research)(16k)(Side A).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   2 ,w;"Who wrote:"
   2 "written by the same author as:"
   1 v(p)=v(p+o)
   1 s*l,m;"Victory for ";n$(s)
   1 s*l,e(s);"*.."
   1 s*l,e(s)-4
   1 l;''''"    Who is going to play?"
   1 l;''"First, choose your topic:"
   1 l*n,w;n;" *............................O"
   1 from 1 to 6
   1 e(s)=e(s)-l
   1 e(s)=e(s)+4
   1 a       b       c       d       
   1 To specify your choice, press a key from 1 to c
   1 Proud but prejudiced?  Epitaph for a spy      The poacher            The card               Acton Bell             Currer Bell            Ellis Bell             Madame D'Arblay        Made fortune from sheepFirst detective storiesSon of Polish nobleman Son of tallow-chandler David Copperfield      Twice Prime Minister   How about Europe?      Vivian                 Mary Ann Evans         Amelia                 James Bond             Hornblower             "Only connect"         North and South        The third man          Jude the obscure       Man at the zoo         Ratty,Toad & Mole      Little boy lost        Gioconda smile         A richer dust          Gamekeeper             Dubliner?              Constant nymph         Water baby?            Crewe train            Thin ice               Egoist?                Time's increase        Sicilian romance       Wandering heir         Sir Charles Grandison  Peregrine Pickle       Sentimental journey    Prince Otto            Pendennis              The Warden
   1 Northanger Abbey       Passage of arms        Darling buds of May    Old wives' tale        Tenant of Wildfell HallVillette               Last lines             Evelina                Way of all flesh       Woman in white         Typhoon                Moll Flanders          Old curiosity shop     Tancred                They went              Castle Rackrent        Silas Marner           Joseph Andrews         Goldfinger             Payment deferred       Passage to India       Mary Barton            A burnt-out case       Mayor of Casterbridge  Aspects of love        Wind in the willows    Purple land            Crome yellow           The voyage home        Red deer               Finnegans wake         Troy chimneys          Hereward the Wake      They were defeated     Sinister Street        Ordeal of Richard FeverMusetta                Mysteries of Udolpho   Cloister and the hearthClarissa Harlowe       Humphrey Clinker       Sermons of Mr Yorick   Kidnapped              The rose and the ring  Barchester
   1 N         
   1 Jane Austen   E.Ambler      H.E.Bates     Bennett       Anne Bronte   C.Bronte      Emily Bronte  Burney        Butler        Wilkie CollinsConrad        Defoe         Dickens       Disraeli      Douglas       Edgeworth     George Eliot  Fielding      Fleming       Forester      E.M.Forster   Mrs Gaskell   Greene        Hardy         Garnett       Graham        Hudson        A.Huxley      Jameson       Jeffries      Joyce         Kennedy       Kingsley      Macauley      Mackenzie     Meredith      Mottram       Mrs Radcliffe Reade         Richardson    Smollett      Sterne        Stevenson     Thackeray     Trollope      Hugh Walpole  Evelyn Waugh  H.G.Wells     Blackmore     J.Buchan      
   1 Emma              Journey into fear Jacaranda tree    Clayhanger        Agnes Grey        Jane Eyre         Wuthering Heights Cecilia           Erewhon           The moonstone     Lord Jim          Robinson Crusoe   Oliver Twist      Sybil             South wind        Belinda           Adam Bede         Tom Jones         Dr. No            African Queen     Room with a view  Cranford          Brighton Rock     Trumpet Major     Lady into fox     Dream days        Green mansions    Brave New World   A lovely ship     Bevis             Ulysses           Forgotten smile   Westward Ho!      Potterism         Whisky galore     Evan Harrington   Spanish farm      Black penitents   Christie JohnstonePamela            Roderick Random   Tristram Shandy   Treasure Island   Vanity Fair       Phineas Finn      Jeremy            Vile bodies       Time machine      Lorna Doone       Greenmantle       
   1 ;"Turn of ";n$(s)
   1 ;"Space to stop"
   1 6 for Yellow
   1 5 for Cyan
   1 4 for Green
   1 3 for Magenta
   1 1 for Blue
   1 ,w;q;" is wrong; it should be ";
   1 ,w;"Which statement applies best to:"
   1 ,w;"Press: 0 for a new race"'
   1 ,w;"Match: ";
   1 ,w;"Correct"
   1 ,w;"Choose a colour please, ";n$(n)
   1 ,l;"Enter the name of player ";n
   1 +q,w;"    ";q;" ";d$(f(q))
   1 +q,w;"    ";q;" ";c$(f(q))
   1 +q,w;"    ";q;" ";b$(f(q))
   1 +q,w;"    ";q;" ";a$(f(q))
   1 '''"Press:","0 for Black",,"
   1 ''"You will be asked questions in  turn.  If your answer is right  you will advance;  if wrong, youretreat."
   1 ''"Up to 4 players can take part."
   1 ''"To answer a question, press a   key 
   1 ''"The computer will organise a    competition for you in the form of a race."
   1 ''"Now tell me how many players?"'''
   1 ''"1. Who wrote this? - series A   2. Who wrote this? - series B"
   1 ''"(max. 8 letters) and press ENTER"
   1 "with the appropriate author"
   1 "6. Fact - stranger than fiction?7. Pot-pourri"
   1 "3. Match these works - series A 4. Match these works - series B 5. Author - what is the truth?"
   1                                 X.